Your bright future is our mission!

Our Hall of Residence is a culturally vibrant and stimulating environment!

1 The safety of our guests comes first.
2 Hours: freedom and responsibility.
3 We create networks of people.

Our values


We firmly believe that the community spirit cultivated within the walls of our halls of residence gives life to long-lasting friendships and professional bonds across space and time.


It is our wish that the life experience in the Hall of Residence becomes a source of human and Christian maturity, cultural and civic learning and greater responsibility.


We see the university hall of residence as a culturally vibrant and stimulating environment that helps students become active players in the acquisition of knowledge.

Our quality in numbers

Guests at the Hall of Residence since 2016
Guests of the Foundation since 2016
Exams our residents have taken

Our Educational Plan

Our Educational Plan follows the guidelines of our work in the Halls of Residence for students, educators (directors, spiritual advisers and tutors) and workers, each to the extent of their skills and duties.

What our students say

San Paolo Hall of Residence

Via Statuto 4 - 20121 Milan

Join the Hall of Residence


The most frequently asked questions

YES. The knowledge of Italian language is not an essential requirement. Communication will be done in English (spoken by staff and students). The Colleges hosts students coming from all over the world.

Yes. The building entrance is monitored by reception, which is open from 8/9 am to midnight seven days a week.
The building is equipped with a video-surveillance system to keep intruders out. For security purposes, all visitors must submit valid identification when they enter the building.
Anti-Covid protocols are in place at all halls of residence, with all the related hygienic measures (hand sanitisers and mandatory face masks)

No, there is no doctor present in the hall of residence. We recommend choosing your own doctor in Milan.

Life in the hall of residence is based on two principles: freedom and responsibility. There are hours and precise rules that establish the kind of conduct required in the hall of residence.
Every student is required to sign and follow the Educational Pact, which governs their conduct in the building. It is based on mutual respect and outlines the commitments that every student must uphold in order to be able to stay at the Hall of Residence.

No. There are protocols that they must follow when coming in and going out. To ensure the safety of guests and the security of the hall of residence, all arrivals and departures are logged.

YES, WITH SOME LIMITATIONS. All your visitors must register when they arrive and may only remain in the common areas and during the day.

The Hall of Residence hosts young men and women both. The beds in the double rooms are assigned to students of the same sex or to siblings.


contributi ricevuti nel 2020

    • Decreto DL. 34/20 art. 25 € 56.100
    • Decreto DL 137/20 art. 1 € 84.150


  • Decreto DL 104/20 art. 59 € 3.965

Con questi contributi la Fondazione La Vincenziana è stata in grado di finanziare:

  1. gli sconti agli utenti;
  2. l’attuazione dei i protocolli per la gestione dell’accoglienza in sicurezza;
  3. i costi extra derivate dalle quarantene.

Our history

Fondazione La Vincenziana is part of the Milan Diocese.

It was founded as an ecclesiastical body on 11 May 1934 and as a body recognised under civil law on 18 May 1935 by Cardinal Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster, who bestowed on it the “essential purpose of providing religious assistance to young workers without family in Milan”.

Indeed, at that time, many young men from villages in Lombardy and other Italian regions found work in Milan but ran the risk of “losing their way”. Instead, the Foundation offered them accommodation in a Hostel run by a priest, where they could enjoy a family atmosphere, assistance with the difficulties of life away from home and guidance to grow in the faith.

In the 1970s, the Foundation expanded its activities when it began managing a few Halls of Residence for university students in the city of Milan and various Hostels for workers that Fondazione Opere Sociali della Cassa di Risparmio delle Province Lombarde (the Social Works Foundation of the Lombardy Province Savings Banks) had built for migrant workers from Southern Italy.

Today, the Foundation runs the following accommodation facilities:

  • San Paolo University Hall of Residence
  • San Filippo Neri University Hall of Residence
  • Bertoni University House

The Foundation is a non-profit organisation managed by a Board of five people (one chairman and four directors) appointed by the Archbishop. It is based in Piazza Fontana 2, Milan.